Kevin told me yesterday that I would make a good realtor. Now before you go thinking this is a compliment... he said it because of how decieving the pictures of our house are on my website.
All the rooms are clean.
In reality, our room is ALWAYS a disaster. Now, this is not my ideal situation, of course. If it were up to me, I'd live in a calm, clutter-free environment. However, those of you who know me well know that laundry is the BANE OF MY EXISTANCE. And the way it's organized in my house is that the miles and piles of laundry in our bedroom are CLEAN (yes, all those are clean in the picture), and the piles of laundry in our bathroom floor is dirty (I'll spare you the visual).
Added to that, our room is the only room that we haven't completely furnished. So currently, we have the large tv in the floor, and still boxes of books, cds, pictures, etc. all shoved in the corner.
I love the color of my room. It's so tranquil - "Rain". But right now, it's not so tranquil. I have hopes that it will improve at least by the time we've been here a year!