Friday, March 23, 2007

For those of you who were wondering...

Yes, Kevin did find the source of the stench. It was not a mouse....

It was a LARGE dead (& decaying) RAT. He cut two holes in my closet wall before finding and removing said rat. Nasty does not even begin to describe it. It wasn't for the weak-stomached. It took me HOURS to go to sleep that night I was so worked up - and I didn't even SEE it. (Refused to look).

So, yes, Kevin gets the husband of the year award. I'm quite impressed that he handled such a yucky dirty nasty job. BLECH. And the cinnamon funk is slowly disappearing from my closet/bathroom. I might start putting clothes in there again soon. =)


EMWilkinson said...

GROSS!!! Do you think it has been there since they built the house? Like it got locked in when they finished it?? YUCK! Glad you found it though...what are the odds. :) Yea for Kevin!

Donna said...

Something I recently found out because we trapped one in our attic, rats and small rodents have a 2-3 day decomposition. After that the smell goes away and they just deteriorate. Larger rodents - raccoons & squirrels take a few days more.

So next time you can just plug your noses a few days and it will be gone :) That's advice from my pest control guy.